The current lack of objective biomarkers presents a real challenge for researchers developing treatments for psychiatric and neurological diseases. But now, a partnership that combines Perceptive’s clinical trial imaging expertise and Ceretype’s novel functional MRI (fMRI) platform enables trial sponsors to overcome this challenge and see the objective outcome of a drug on patients with psychiatric and other neurological disorders.
Here we talk with Ceretype CEO and co-founder, Emily Stern about how fMRI can improve CNS clinical trials and how the partnership with Perceptive Medical Imaging is greater than the sum of its parts.
What does Ceretype do?
Ceretype is focused on translating fMRI scanning into clinically useful products. For a long time, fMRI has been a powerful tool for research in academic medicine, enabling investigators to learn more about normal brain function and dysfunction in disease settings. However, the methodology hasn’t translated out of academia for several reasons, which Ceretype has now addressed.